
AAB offers four levels of courses, including Advanced Courses, Intermediate Courses, Introductory Training Courses, and Partner Courses

对标松下政经塾,“亚商99”基于如斯而成的社会责任感,将精心挑选符合条件的青年企业家,秉承“因人制宜、量身定制、精准滴灌”的私教研修方法,赋能打造真正具备“中国老钱(old money)”质地,领军未来、传承有序、持续成长的新一代产业和社会财富的领军人物。

In alignment with the The Matsushita Institute of Politocs and Management, the "Asia+ Business 99" program, rooted in a strong sense of social responsibility, meticulously selects eligible young entrepreneurs. Following a tailored and precise approach characterized by "personalization, customization, and targeted mentoring," this private education and training initiative empower participants to cultivate the authentic qualities of "old money" in China. The program aims to nurture a new generation of leaders who will spearhead future industries, uphold orderly succession, and contribute to the sustained growth of both industrial and societal wealth.